Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops to grow – they can be started from seed indoors or bought as young plants, then grown either outdoors or in a greenhouse, in pots or in the ground. They grow particularly well in a greenhouse, usually producing an earlier and larger crop. When grown outdoors, these tender plants need a warm, sunny, sheltered site. Botanically known as Solanum lycopersicum, tomatoes are closely related to potatoes, and are similarly susceptible to blight disease outdoors, but rarely in a greenhouse. Tomatoes do need some attention to grow well, including protection from frost, and regular watering and feeding. But they’re well worth the effort when you can eat your own home-grown tomatoes all summer long, freshly picked, warmed by the sun, and at their sweetest, juiciest best. There’s an enormous range of varieties to choose from, which is another great benefit of growing your own. There are fruits of different sizes, colours, textures and flavours, to suit all tastes – far more choice than you get in the supermarket. There are plants of various sizes too, for different growing locations and amounts of space, from tall and vigorous A plant that is restricted by pruning to usually one main stem, either upright or at a 45 degree angle, with short fruiting side-shoots (spurs). Apples, pears, gooseberries, tomatoes, redcurrants and whitecurrants are often grown as cordons, especially where space is limited. Sweet peas can be grown as cordons to produce large flowers for exhibition. cordon varieties to more compact bush types, as well as dwarf varieties for small containers and even trailing plants for hanging baskets. Small-fruited varieties tend to be the easiest to grow, fastest to fruit and most prolific, but it’s well worth experimenting with all the different types.
Tomatoes generally have two different ways of growing:
Check seed packets or plant labels before buying, to ensure you get the type to suit your growing space.
There are also lots of tomato varieties to choose from, offering fruits of various sizes, shapes, flavours and levels of sweetness. Fruit colours range from traditional red to dark purple, pink, orange, yellow or green, and even striped. There are heirloom varieties, grown for many generations, as well as modern, disease-resistant choices. There are small round cherry fruits, elongated plum varieties, uniform, medium-sized salad tomatoes and huge, wrinkled, mis-shapen beefsteaks, all full of flavour and with their own individual characters. For varieties that will reliably produce good crops, look for those with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) – see our list of AGM fruit and veg and our Recommended Varieties below. You’ll also find tomatoes growing in the veg gardens and greenhouses in all the RHS gardens over the summer months, so do visit to compare varieties and pick up growing tips.
Tomatoes are easy to grow from seed indoors. Sow from late February to mid-March if you’ll be growing your crop in a greenhouse, or from late March to early April if they’ll be outside. Seeds need a temperature of about 18°C (64°F) to germinate, so use a A heated propagator is a portable heated structure with a vented lid and adjustable, constant, thermostatic temperature control. It provides a warm, humid environment to help seeds germinate and cuttings to root quickly. heated propagator or place the pots on a warm windowsill and cover with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity. As soon as A seedling is a young plant grown from seed. seedlings appear – usually within a fortnight – uncover and place in as much light as possible, to prevent them growing thin and leggy. For full sowing instructions, see our guides below.
Young, well-rooted tomato plants, either grown from seed or recently bought, can be planted into their final position in early summer, once temperatures are reliably above 16°C (60°F). You can plant them in large containers or growing bags in a greenhouse or outdoors, or plant them in the ground. To grow outdoors, choose a really warm, sunny, sheltered location. Plant tomatoes deeply, so the first set of leaves is just above the soil surface – the buried section of stem will then produce additional roots. Tomatoes are tender, so before planting out, acclimatise them to garden conditions by hardening off.
Water tomato plants regularly to keep the soil or Can refer to either home-made garden compost or seed/potting compost: • Garden compost is a soil improver made from decomposed plant waste, usually in a compost bin or heap. It is added to soil to improve its fertility, structure and water-holding capacity. Seed or potting composts are used for growing seedlings or plants in containers - a wide range of commercially produced peat-free composts are available, made from a mix of various ingredients, such as loam, composted bark, coir and sand, although you can mix your own. compost evenly moist. Fluctuating moisture levels can cause problems with the fruit, such as splitting or blossom end rot (see Problems, below). Plants in containers dry out quickly, so they may need watering daily in hot weather. Curling leaves can be a sign that a tomato plant is short of water.
To boost fruiting, especially with plants in containers, feed every 10–14 days with a high potassium liquid fertiliser once the first fruits start to swell.
Lay a thick layer of mulch over the soil around tomato plants to help hold in moisture and deter weeds. Use garden composta or well-rotted manure, but leave a gap around the base of the stem, to prevent rotting.
When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, open the vents regularly to give pollinating insects access to the flowers. You can also lightly tap or shake the flowers when fully open to aid pollen transfer within the flower. Misting flowers with water may also help...
article by: RHS gardens
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